Come, Let Us Adore Him Book Review

Come, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent Devotional, by Paul David Tripp

The thing that should make you stop in your tracks, activate your heart and mind, and fall to your knees is that this story is real.

For the past few years during Advent, I’ve read a book/devotional to help better prepare my heart and mind for Christmas. Two years ago I read The Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller (review here), and I’ve read The Advent of the Lamb of God (previously released as Behold the Lamb of God) by Russ Ramsey a few times. I'll re-read this one again in 2018.

Last year (2017) I read Come, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent Devotional by Paul David Tripp. Long story short—excellent! I highly recommend Tripp’s Advent devotional. It starts December 1 and ends December 31, and each day’s devotional is 4-5 pages.

The book itself is packaged beautifully and includes a ribbon to help you mark your location. Each day also includes a section for parents to help them lead their children. The section includes a central theme for the day and a short guide to help parents. The family section helps make that day’s devotional accessible to their children.

Tripp writes, “what has captured the wonder of our hearts will control the way we live.” His desire is to help the reader’s heart be captured by the wonder of the Christmas story, so we no longer fall victim to the familiarity of the narrative. Throughout the book, he helps the reader see how their story fits into the larger narrative of Scripture and the Christmas story.

I wish I’d read and discussed this with my wife and kids. You might need to supplement each day’s devotional with some scripture, but each day does clearly point to the gospel and our desperate need for grace.

For some additional Advent resources from Tripp, check out this page on his site.

This will be one I return to again in the future!

Other Christmas/Advent Books or Devotionals to check out:


How to Deal With One of the Biggest Conflict Challenges All Couples Face


The Underrated Virtue of Kindness in Marriage