What Will Truly Satisfy You?

In 2019 I traveled to Franklin, TN for a writing conference. I met some great people at the conference, including a fellow writer named Evelyn Sherwood. My friend Evelyn recently asked me to share a story of hope where I’ve seen God’s faithfulness through difficult circumstances.

My lifelong thorn in the flesh is my battle with eating, gluttony, weight, and health. It’s the biggest battle in my life, but also one of the areas where I’ve most evidently seen God’s faithfulness. In this post I share more about my battle. I’ll start it below and then link to the rest of the article on Evelyn’s site.

Can a Snickers Bar Truly Satisfy?

A few years ago, I traveled out of town for a speaking engagement that I didn’t want to do. I didn’t know anyone there, missed my family back home and barely made enough money to cover my travel costs. I delivered my three talks then went upstairs to my hotel room.

The trip took an even worse turn that night when I listened to a voicemail from my doctor explaining that I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I knew it was my fault. While I did inherit some not-so-stellar genetics, my diet and slothful tendencies mainly were to blame for my medical diagnoses. I sat on my bed in that hotel room, scared, alone, and angry. To be honest, I felt like a complete and utter failure.

The deck is stacked against me in some ways. My dad died of heart disease at the age of 39. Individuals on both sides of my family have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. But the biggest problem is not genetics or DNA. The problem is that I love food a little too much.

Click here to read more.


Time to Stop thinking about how to gratify the desires of the flesh


What if you want to pursue the Lord but your spouse does not?