The 25th Anniversary of the Most Important Day of My Life
Updated: Feb 12, 2023
Today’s post is a different post than I've ever written before. There's a reason for that. Today is a special anniversary for me.
Today is the 25th anniversary of the most important day of my life. This day is even more important than my wedding day. It’s even more memorable than any of the days when my four kids entered into the world. It’s even more important to me (personally) than Christmas or Easter.
I texted my boys last night to let them know about this anniversary and the significance of it. Even though I don’t always act like it, my boys only know me as a follower of Christ. I told them I hope I never, ever get over my salvation or think I deserve it in any way. And I hope they follow Jesus all the days of their lives.
On February 13, 1998, I became a follower of Jesus Christ.
For the first 24 years of my life, I thought I was a Christian. I grew up in a “Christian home” and did not grow up in a Muslim, Buddhist, or Jewish home. I assumed because I wasn’t one of those other religions that I must be a Christian. When I moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina to go to school at Wake Forest University, I learned what a Christian was, and I concluded that I was definitely NOT a Christian.
Instead, I became an agnostic. What this meant is that I gave no thought to God or cared whether or not a “god” existed. For example, I believed in the existence of a banana, because I could taste, smell, feel, and touch a banana. On the other hand, I couldn’t hear, smell, taste, or touch God. Therefore, I didn’t believe He existed. I mocked those who believed in God and often laughed at the Christians I met.
Everything began to change for me my senior year in school at Wake when I reached the low point in my life. I was successful in every worldly way but was empty, suicidal, and miserable. And no one knew because I didn’t have any close friends. To be clear, I had lots of friends, but no one really knew me. I was too ashamed to let anyone in.
At this same season, God began to bring a few people in my life who were Christians. I met a guy named Will and a girl named Karen who were both different than any other people I’d ever met in my life. God used these two friends, along with several others, to share the Gospel with me. I learned:
About the one, true God of the universe who is Good, Loving, Gracious, Just, Merciful, Beautiful, and so much more.
I learned I was a sinner (Romans 3:23). Yes, I already knew I made many poor choices in my life, but I begin to realize the significance of my sinful decisions and nature.
I recognized the fact that I am the chief sinner (1 Timothy 1:15). This didn’t mean I committed more sins than any other human being, per se, but rather that I became more aware of the wickedness of my heart.
I knew that my sin demanded a payment and that without the shedding of blood that my sins would not be forgiven (Hebrews 9:22).
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus (John 14:6).
I learned about Jesus, the Son of God, and Savior of the World. And I learned that He died for my sins on the cross (Romans 5:8).
I learned that I could not earn God’s favor by my attempted good works. Rather, my righteous deeds were like filthy rags in the eyes of a perfect God (Isaiah 64:6).
Instead, the only way I could be saved was to trust in the fact that Jesus died for my sins. I could be saved from my sins by having faith in what He accomplished on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-9).
As I look back on my 25 years, I realize that everything has changed in my life as a result of God saving me in 1998. I know that I wouldn’t be married to Kristen and that I wouldn’t be Dad to four amazing boys. We know that we wouldn’t be in Waco and be at Harris Creek (and in Dallas and at Watermark Community Church before that). I know that I wouldn’t be a part of the amazing group of friends I have in Waco and all over the country. I know that I wouldn’t be working as a marriage pastor, getting to help couples in every season of life, and I wouldn’t have written Ready or Knot?.
25 years ago, God changed everything in my life.
So why do I write this today?
My friend Will Hall (mentioned above)
I want you, as a reader on this site, to know more of my story. If you’re going to read what I share on here, it helps you to know more about the author.
I celebrate what He did for me! I’ve done nothing to deserve His kindness and grace in my life. Every day is a gift. Today I’m reminded even more of this gift. I cried last night when I shared with my family the significance of February 13th.
If you also are a follower of Christ, I want to challenge you to celebrate and share your story of grace. Who can you tell your story? Who needs to hear your story of grace and the Gospel?
I’m reminded of the love, kindness, and boldness of Will and Karen (and many others), who showed courage to share with me. Who can say the same things about you?
If you’re not a follower of Christ, the greatest gift I can give you is to tell you more about Jesus. Nothing would encourage me more than to have the opportunity to tell you more about Jesus and answer any questions you have about Jesus or the Gospel. You can contact me through this form, or you can email me (
I know that for some of you, the things I’ve done or said or the things other Christians have done and said, can be an obstacle to your desire to know more about Jesus. For that, I’m sorry and apologize on behalf of other Christians. Please don’t shut Jesus out because of the dumb things I or other Christians have done.
Your Turn:
Even reading through my own story again reminds me and challenges me to think of others who need to hear more about Jesus. I want to share my story with others. I hope it does the same for you. Who needs to hear your story of grace?