12 Ways to battle the temptation to look at porn (Part 2)

A friend recently asked for suggestions on how to fight against the temptation to look at pornography. While the answer to his question applies to all temptations, this series specifically addresses sexual sin and pornography. But, regardless of your struggle, keep reading because the same principles apply to all temptations we might face.

In Part 1 of this series, I shared 6 ways to battle against the temptation to look at porn. Today I share 6 more ways to help you in the battle. I also share what to do if you give in to your temptation to look at porn.

7. Hide God’s Word in your heart. I am a big fan of memorizing scripture. When I am in the midst of a temptation, I love being able to recall God’s Word. I might recite something like 1 Corinthians 10:13 (No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it) in the midst of temptation. Develop the habit of scripture memory as evidenced by Jesus in Matthew 4:1-13 when He is tempted by Satan.

8. I remember my sin will rob me of intimacy with Jesus. This one is perhaps the most powerful one for me. I know when I sin, that the short term pleasure will rob me of intimacy with Christ. I do know my sins are forgiven, but I know that I want to honor God with my thoughts, my words, my body and my actions. I remember that intimacy with Jesus is greater than any short term pleasure this world offers.

9. In advance, I put on the armor of God (read Ephesians 6:10-18a). I want to be proactive in my battle with sin. I remember that my enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour me (1 Peter 5:8). I know that the world offers temptation in many ways all around us. I know that the more I can do to put on God’s protection, the more I can do to fight the temptations around me. This applies to all struggles and temptations, whether its pornography, overeating, gossip or anything else.

10. Ask yourself what are some of the triggers involved that may have led to increased temptation. Are you tired? Stressed? Some other gross sin in your life? All of these are triggers for me, for both the temptation to lust and with other temptations such as overeating.

11. Speaking of being tired, sometimes the best thing you can do to deal with temptation is to just get some rest. For example, when I am tempted to eat ice cream late at night, sometimes I just need to put the temptation to rest and get to bed. Bad decisions tend to happen at night, especially when we’re tired, so next time you struggle at night, go to sleep.

12. Proactively work through your struggle in a Christ-centered, biblical recovery program like re:generation recovery or Celebrate Recovery. I walked through Watermark’s recovery program in 2007 and I often say this might be the best decision I ever made in my walk as a follower of Jesus Christ. I can’t overestimate the value of diving into God’s Word with other believers in a recovery ministry. I will always look back at my year in recovery as foundational to my intimacy with Jesus.

What about when you do fall?

What happens when you give in to your temptations and you do look at pornography? I have shared about this a few times in the past, so rather than rehashing two other blog posts, I’ll give you one thought and then direct you to my previous posts.

  • Proverbs 28:13 says, "Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” The first thing I would tell you to do is to confess to someone. When you hide your sin, you will not prosper. I’ll tell you that from personal testimony and even more so because God says so. But, when you do confess, and forsake your sin, you will find mercy.

  • Hiding - This post takes you through why and how to confess to others when you have sinned.

  • Response to Failure - In this post I challenge the reader to be a living example, not a perfect example. The truth should set you free.

I sincerely hope these posts help you when you face temptation to look at porn.


Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate - Book Review


12 Ways to battle the temptation to look at porn (Part 1)