Mending Broken Branches: When God Reclaims Your Dysfunctional Family Tree

A few days ago, I posted a picture on Facebook of Elizabeth Oates’ new book, Mending Broken Branches (MBB). It sparked a bunch of likes and comments from women interested in hearing more about the book. In this post, I’ll do a brief review and then tell you how you can win a free copy.

I’m not the target audience for this book and won’t claim I read the book, but I believe many women will benefit from reading it. Written from the perspective of her dysfunctional family tree, Elizabeth helps the reader work through their past, understand their present reality, and create a vision for their future.



  • Elizabeth is a gifted writer—she’s a great combination of serious, empathetic, sarcastic, and compassionate.

  • I love the format of the book—instead of putting a bunch of questions at the end of each chapter, MBB includes reflection questions in the middle of the chapter. I’d consider it a combination of a book and workbook.

  • The book is filled with God’s Word. Her counsel doesn’t come from her thoughts or opinions but from the Bible.

  • The outline is clear and straightforward: The Past, The Present, and The Future (followed by some helpful resources in the Appendix).

  • I value authenticity and when people keep things real. Elizabeth keeps it real in this book. She shares her journey with honesty. She includes the stories of friends who also share their stories of their own dysfunctional families.

  • Elizabeth addresses real life, practical issues like marriage, communication, conflict resolution, and intimacy.

Who should read Mending Broken Branches?

Any woman who wants to work through her dysfunctional family tree and help nurture a healthy family and a hopeful future.

Book Giveaway!

If you’re interested in winning a free copy of this book, leave a comment below why you’d want to read Mending Broken Branches (or for the guys—why your wife would want to read it). I will pick a winner from those who comment.

P.S. Elizabeth wrote a powerful guest post for my site a few years ago. Check out Three Things Every Wife Needs From Her Husband.

Photo Credit: Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash


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