Are You and Your Spouse on Mission Together?

I’ve got a simple question and a short post for you today:

Are you and your spouse on mission together?

Every Saturday morning at 7:00 am I go to my weekly Weight Watchers meeting. It’s been a good, humbling experience for me, and slowly I’m dropping a few pounds. I found a safe place with like-minded people to address my eating and weight challenges.

One couple in our group is crushing it. Every week the husband or wife gets another '5-pounds-lost’ sticker. The Weight Watchers people call the stickers, charms, and prizes “bling.” This couple gets a lot of bling. This past Saturday, the husband alone got some bling for another 5-pounds in the last week, 25-pounds total loss, and a 10% weight loss award.

I’ve got to be honest—I’m kind of jealous. I’m losing (maybe) 1 pound per week, and this guy is killing it. It fuels all my insecurities and frustrations. I try to be happy for him, but most of the time I’m just envious of him and his progress.

Regardless, I did love watching this couple when he got all the bling. His wife beamed the entire time, and her smile went from ear to ear as she stroked his arm, looking like the proudest wife in the world.

After I finished my pity party, I thought about how cool it was that this couple is doing Weight Watchers together. They’re encouraging one another, spurring each other on, and helping hold each other accountable.

They’re on a mission together as a couple to get healthy. And they’re having a lot of fun in the process.

Are you and your spouse on mission together?

I don’t mean a mission trip. Rather, I mean do you and your spouse have a mission and purpose together as a couple? What are you doing, together, to help better yourselves and serve others? We all want to be useful and make our lives count. So what are you doing on mission together as a couple?

Maybe it’s serving in your church. We have a great marriage ministry at Watermark where couples can serve together leading premarried, newly married, and married couples in pretty much every other stage of life. Maybe you lead in kid’s or student ministry together. Hopefully you’ve looked for and found ways to serve in your church.

Or maybe you mentor or help support a single parent family. Others of you might be foster parents or provide respite care for other foster families.

How do you use your time and gifts? Do you serve others or only serve yourself?

Sometimes Kristen and I get this right, whereas other times we just co-exist in our happy, little peaceful world. In less than a month, Kristen, our four boys, and I will join 27 other parents and kids on a week-long discipleship trip to Haiti. While there we’ll serve together with a great ministry in Haiti called Mission of Hope. We’ve enjoyed being on mission together as a family as we prepare for our trip.

The mission is greater than the bling.

As much as I’m jealous of all the bling this couple gets at Weight Watchers, I do love the fact they’re on mission to get healthy together.

Everything in marriage is more fun when you’re a team, working together as a couple on mission.

Your Turn:

What can you do together as a couple this week that would indicate you’re on mission together as a couple?


What Are You Doing, Right Now, To Grow Your Relationship?


Stuff I Like Saturdays: October 21, 2017 Edition