Choosing Wellness by Getting Some Sleep

Part 4 of #WellnessWeek17 is officially delayed until Friday or maybe even next week. I'm raising my white flag, asking for mercy, and choosing to get some sleep and focus on my own health and my family instead of finishing up the other posts. I know you understand, and I'd be a complete hypocrite right now if I pushed forward and finished the other posts, all the while sacrificing my own health and wellness.

Some bloggers can write and create posts every day - that's not me, so my hat goes off to those who can pull it off!

In the meantime, because sleep is 100% a part of wellness, if you're interested in reading more about sleep and rest, here are a few posts and resources to check out.

1. I'm not telling you that you should take a nap at work, but Michael Hyatt might be! Check out a few posts from him on sleep and naps:

2. From my site: What I Learned from a 14-Day Sleep Experiment - 8 Lessons Learned From the Sleep14

3. A book to check out for all you book readers like me: Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies, by Shawn Stevenson. I'm reading this one right now, and I'm learning a ton from this guy. While I don't agree with everything he says, I'm learning a whole lot along the way.

4. And, if you just want to catch up on other posts from #WellnessWeek17 and #WellnessWeek16, click the links below:

Until next time, night night. Love you,


Photo credit: Cris Saur


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