Stuff I Like Saturdays: November 3, 2018 Edition

Happy Saturday morning to you! It's been a hot minute since my last Stuff I Like Saturday (SILS). For those of you new to this site, in SILS posts I share articles recently read, books I'm currently reading, and other good finds on the world wide interwebs.

Blog Posts/Articles/Podcasts:

1. How to Ruin Your Life in Your Twenties on the Desiring God website. From my friend and co-laborer, Jonathan "JP" Pokluda, author of the book Welcome to Adulting. Don't be deceived by the title: while written to those in their 20's, the wisdom in this post applies to any and every one. In this post, JP shares 7 ways to ruin your life followed by 7 better resolutions.

2. 10 Texts to Regularly Send to Your Spouse, by Kevin A. Thompson. I love this post and suggestions, especially #7 on the list. Kristen and I will send each other messages throughout the day and will use phrases no one understands but the two of us. Kevin wrote a book I recently referenced in my blog post called Do You Need to be a Better Friend, Partner, or Lover? Check out his new book, Happily. I just started reading it.

3. Say it in a Sentence, by Justin Buzzard on the For the Church website. I loved reading this post and have tried to apply it in my communication. Buzzard says anyone who communicates a message (i.e., via sermon, teaching, writing) should be able to communicate the main message in one sentence.

4. 10 Rules to Read More Books This Year, by Joel J. Miller on Michael Hyatt's website. If you've been on this site for more than a minute, you know how much I love reading. Miller include's some great suggestions in this post, and I personally agree with every one of them!

5. How Can I Start my Marriage Well? (podcast) I just got to be on MarriedPeople's podcast and talked with my friend Ted Lowe about how to start your marriage well. There's some good stuff in there for all couples, from premarried to empty nesters.

Books I'm Reading:

A Lasting Promise, by Scott Stanley. We're reading this with the foundation group (small groups for newlyweds) Kristen and I are leading. I've read this book close to 10 times, and it's still so challenging and helpful.

Romans 8-16 For You, by Tim Keller. As I study the book of Romans this year, Keller's 2-volume commentary on Romans has been an excellent companion. I also love the ones he wrote on Galatians and Judges.

2 business books: All Marketers are Liars/Tell Stories, by Seth Godin and the Originals, by Adam Grant. I'm reading Godin's book because I'm trying to better understand the world of marketing. I love Grant's podcast, Worklife with Adam Grant, so I thought I'd check out one of his books as well.

One-in-a-Million Boy, by Monica Wood. I always have a good fiction book on my Kindle for elliptical workouts or treadmill walks. This is a sweet story of love, loss, and friendship.

Recent Posts on My Site:

I usually list out a few recent posts, but all you need to do is look down at the bottom of this page and you can find a few recent posts. I did want to point one out from earlier this week: What do Suffering, Gyms, and Cheerleaders Have in Common? In this post I share a few marriage lessons recently learned and re-learned.

In other news, I just nailed down the pre-order bonuses for my book Ready or Knot: 12 Conversations Every Couple Needs to Have Before Marriage, coming February 5th. The book is written for premarried couples, but any married couple would benefit from reading it as well. The bonuses are going to be great! I'm excited to share them soon.

Your Turn:

Have you read anything good recently (in a blog post or book)? Listened to a good podcast episode? If so, comment and share below and I'll pick one name for a book giveaway.


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