Stuff I Like Saturdays: September 12, 2020 Edition

Happy Saturday morning to you! It's been almost two years since my last Stuff I Like Saturday (SILS). In SILS posts I share articles recently read, books I'm currently reading, and other good finds.

Stuff I Like (Blog Posts/Articles/Podcasts):

1. Nine Ways to Connect With God by my friend Gary Thomas. I have benefitted greatly from Thomas' book Sacred Pathways. In the book, Gary describes nine different ways people tend to draw near to God (he just released an updated and revised version of the book). In this post he summarizes each of the nine ways. This book, and blog post, can help you better understand your wiring and can give you insight into how your spouse, kids, or friends are wired.

2. Conflict That Builds Up and Doesn't Tear Down, by Scott Sauls. Good gravy there's a lot of conflict in our world right now. We need to learn how to resolve conflict more effectively. Much more important than that, we need to resolve conflict BIBLICALLY. Check out this post by Sauls, and do yourself a favor and listen to the Conflicted series from my boss and friend JP at Harris Creek. It's been excellent.

3. You Will Regret Giving In, by Garrett Kell. This is an excellent article about how to walk through the temptations we all face. Garrett and I went to Dallas Theological Seminary and I'm always encouraged by wisdom and teaching. The past six months have been a tough season for us all and many are giving in to our temptations. Be encouraged by this post by Kell.

4. College football is back and GameDay, for the first time ever, is at my alma mater, Wake Forest University. We play #1 Clemson, there will be no fans there, and we'll probably lose by 50, but GameDay is back, it's in Winston-Salem, and i'm here for it! #GoDeacs

5. Perfectly, Imperfect conference - I'm excited and honored to be a part of this upcoming digital conference on October 23-24. The lineup is Incredible and you get access to the talks through the end of 2020. There are over 40 speakers (including Aaron & Jamie Ivey, Mark Batterson, and many other writers, speakers, and podcasters) who will each share for 10-30 minutes providing practical and spiritual help for parents. In my talk I'll talk about how your marriage raises your children. Click here to find more info and to register for the event (Early Bird rates end September 15th).

Books I'm Reading:

The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11, by Garrett M. Graff. Hard to believe it's been 19 years. I wish i started this weeks ago. I'm reading and listening on Audible.

A Gentle Answer: Our 'Secret Weapon' in an Age of Us Against Them, by Scott Sauls (referenced above). We all need help here, especially in 2020. Lord, help us to be more gentle.

Family Discipleship: Leading Your Home through Time, Moments, and Milestones, by Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin. I loved the series from the Village Church from a few years ago. This new book takes it up a few notches.

The Chris Farley Show: A Biography in Three Acts, by Tom Farley Jr. I've wanted to read this one for a while and finally found it onsale on the Kindle. Not many people have ever made me laugh as hard as Chris Farley.

Recent Posts on My Site:

What Do You Wish You Knew When You Said, "I Do"? - in this post I get back to the basics and share six things every newly married (and not so newly married) couple should do.

In 3 Reasons I Almost Burned Myself Out I share what I've learned in my job transition and our move to Waco. I just about burned myself out and clearly this post resonated with readers who are also walking through challenging seasons at work.

Your Turn:

Have you read anything good recently (in a blog post or book)? Listened to a good podcast episode? If so, comment and share below and I'll pick one name for a book giveaway.


19 More Reasons Why I Love My Wife


What Do You Wish You Knew When You Said, “I Do”?