13 Reasons Why I Love My Wife

This week is "Anniversary Week" for Kristen and me. In honor of “Anniversary Week”, all my posts this week will have a wedding/anniversary bent to them.

Today (September 15, 2014) marks 13 years of marriage to Kristen. I mean this in the best possible way: it seems like many more. I have trouble at times remembering what life was like before Kristen. Chalk it up to either a fading memory in my 40’s, or more likely, kids and marriage have destroyed my brain cells!

In honor of 13 years, here are 13 reasons why I love being married to Kristen.

1. She is a Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31:29-30 says, “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Many woman have done excellently, but Kristen surpasses them all. She is charming and beautiful, but more importantly this woman fears the Lord. Her children and her husband praise her and praise the Lord because of the Lord’s work in and through Kristen (Proverbs 31:28).

2. She engages with me in my battle with sin

I just wrote about this one a few days ago. She is selfless and engages and helps me fight sin struggles. She doesn’t wear me out or nag (1 Peter 3:1-2), but rather consistently encourages me to become more like Christ.

3. She is the best Boy Mom I know

Kristen is incredible with our boys. She tolerates B.O., fart and penis jokes, and never complains. You’d never guess she grew up without any brothers. She wears her #BoyMom badge with pride!

4. She is a great teacher of the Word

We get to teach together at Merge, and I love getting to serve alongside of her in many capacities.

5. She serves like crazy, both at our public school and at Watermark Community Church.

She exemplifies Christ-like servanthood. Kristen = Philippians 2:3-4 and Mark 10:45.

6. She initiates sexually

Apologies in advance if my mother or my in-law are reading this. And if my kids are reading this… hang tight - you’ll understand more in a few years. And you'll probably think it's pretty gross. Until you get older, and then you'll think your old man is pretty cool.

7. She understands me and tolerates my quirks

She lives with me in an understanding way (1 Peter 3:7). We couldn’t be any more different from one another. She will roll my calf out after a workout, tolerate my oddities, empathize with all my emotions, and so much more.

8. She is humble, teachable and responds well to challenges from others

James 4:6 - God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

What a gift. I can't emphasize enough how grateful I am for Kristen's teachable heart and sweet spirit.

9. She rises early, stays up late, and runs a tight ship

If I ran our household, there's no telling how messed-up we would be! Kristen works hard around the house, rises early to workout and get in the Word and stays up late to hang out with her husband.

10. She is fun and funny

This may be a side not everyone sees in Kristen. She makes me laugh, plays and wrestles with the kids, and has a smile that makes me melt.

11. She is a planner

So this one can drive me crazy at times, but goes along with #'s 7 & 9 above. The planner in her keeps us in line, helps us prepare for the week, and keeps us on the same page with our schedule and communication.

12. She is HOT and looks exactly the same as she did on our wedding day

Fact. Enough said. Look at the wedding picture above and look at her today. It's as if time has stood still.

13. She loves Jesus with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30)

The most important thing you need to know about Kristen is how much she loves Jesus. And she makes me want to do the same.

I kicked off this blog 6 months ago, and this may have been my favorite post to write so far. There is something really fun and encouraging about thinking through the specific characteristics and traits of your significant other that you are thankful for.

Your Turn:

1. Selfish prayer request. Since it's our anniversary, please pray for me and Kristen. I don't often ask you to pray for us, but we covet your prayers for our marriage and family. Thank you!

2. Write your list. What are some characteristics of your significant other that you love and are grateful for.

If you have trouble coming up with a list, start small. What are 2-3 things you love about your spouse. Remember back to your wedding day. What made you fall in love initially? Why did you say "I do?" If you’re struggling or want to grow in your marriage, please find a re|engage near you. re|engage will provide you with the hope you need and will help you remember why you said "I do."

Share something in the comments below! What is something about your significant other that you are specifically thankful for.


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