Doing the things you delight in

A few weeks ago, Tommy Nelson from Denton Bible Church came to Watermark to preach at our young adult ministry called The Porch. Before he preached, Tommy spent some time with some of our leaders and answered this question: What are characteristics of men and women who have lived a life of significance?

Tommy’s response included five characteristics:

1. They have a time of Bible reading every day. They spend this time in solitude, digesting God’s Word. He challanged us to make God’s Word our great joy and greatest task (like oxygen to your soul).2. They have a contemplative life, meaning they spend time thinking through what they read in God’s Word and in other books. He cautioned us to not just be parrots of what others say, but to think about what we learn. He challenged us to take time away and think.3. They find the things they delight in and they do them (more below).4. They have a group of men or women they pour their lives into and disciple. Invest in people who have potential to lead others.5. They know their purpose and why they’re here on earth.

I would've expected #’s 1, 2, 4 and 5 from Tommy. He is very well-read, knows more scripture than anyone I have ever seen or heard of, is a discipler of men and clearly knows why he is on this earth. The fact that #3 is on the list delighted me (pun intended).

I want to spend some time today on #3 on this list. What do you delight in?

Life is so busy at times. I hate the busy badge of honor so many of us (present company included) seem to wear. Between work, family, friends, church and more, we are crazy busy. In the midst of chaos, we need to more often ask ourselves and those we love, “What are you doing that you delight in?"

What do you delight in? Find it, make time for it and do it! You need something to go home to and look forward to. Something that can make you forget about your job and the stressors of life for a short while.

I asked some friends what they delighted in. Here are some of their answers:

  • Crossword Puzzles

  • Exercise - mountain biking, throwing a football

  • Coaching football, watching football

  • Do something I’ve never done before!

  • Rangers baseball

  • Spending time around water, getting a tan

  • Going for walks, walking the dog

  • Reading

  • Hitting a round of golf

  • Lighting candles and being still

  • Playing guitar

  • Riding a motorcycle, getting outside the city

  • Hiking

  • Baking

  • Seeking adventure, kayaking

  • Sewing and crafting

  • Extreme sports - climbing, wake boarding

  • Orange Theory Fitness

  • Triathlons - especially running when hot outside (crazy!)

  • Hanging out with friends, sweating, playing sports (volleyball, soccer, etc…)

  • Writing

  • Solitude

We had about 20 people in the room and they gave 20 different answers. I love to read and write. I wish I delighted in working out, but I’m lazy and I find myself delighting in God when I read good writing or get to create something when I write.

Delight yourself in the Lord (Psalm 37:4) and then enjoy the pleasures of life He makes available to you and me.

Your Turn:

  • What do you delight in? Make a list of 3 things you love to do. If you’re married, ask your spouse the same question.

  • Make time to do something you delight in this week.


Stuff I Like Saturdays: October 10, 2015 Edition


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