Stuff I Like Saturdays: October 10, 2015 Edition

Happy Saturday. I hope you enjoy the weekend in front of you whether you find yourself watching soccer games for your kids, rooting on your favorite college football team, working (sorry), or just enjoying some time with friends and family.

In Stuff I Like Saturdays, I share a few posts/articles/resources I came across in the past few weeks that I believe are interesting or helpful reads. Enjoy!

Here's some stuff I like:

1. 3 Ground Rules for Building an Honest Marriage - Another gem from Fierce Marriage. Never Lie, Always Love, Remove Triggers. Great images, even better truth and wisdom.

2. Leaders Should Write it Down, by Brad Lomenick - Really like these suggestions. How do you capture what you are learning? What's your system?

3. Home Alone: The Lies That Tie us to Our Phone, by Marshall Segal at Desiring God. Excellent and so convicting. Includes a great new trick I learned on my iPhone to help me battle against this struggle.

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Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:



4 things to do if you want to be unfaithful to Your Spouse (Part 1)


Doing the things you delight in