Stuff I Like Saturdays: September 12, 2015 Edition

Let's start with a question. Comment below or on Facebook: Where were you when the 9/11 attacks took place? I was working at Grady Hospital in Atlanta while working as a physical therapist. Kristen was doing physical therapy at Shepherd Center, also in Atlanta. We got married a mere four days later on September 15, 2001.

This week's Stuff I Like:

1. I have really struggled with my eating and weight the past few months, ever since I preached at Watermark on gluttony. I have treated my body without care and have not exhibited much self-control in eating. As a result, I find myself in a similar place I have been many times in the past when it comes to eating, weight and self-control.

  • I just finished my fourth day on the Whole 30. I do very well with strict parameters and have had four great days: I feel so much better already. The issue for me is always what happens when the 30 days are done. That's probably why I so resonated with this post by Modern Mrs. Darcy called I Love the Whole 30 But I'm Never Doing it Again.

2. While we're on the topic of food, I loved this challenging article on Desiring God's site called Fasting for Beginners. The guys in my community group all read this and we are all starting by fasting for one meal/week, starting next week. The article gives great guidance on the why, how and what of fasting.

3. If you are trying to memorize scripture, check out this cool app called Verses. The app is free but it costs a few bucks to download some of the specific translations. I am really digging it!

4. Like many others, I am a big fan of The Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the leaders of this church and all that The Lord is doing through The Village. I have really enjoyed The Village Church Podcast Show - check it out for some great teaching on ministry, theology and culture from Matt Chandler and Josh Patterson.

Recent Posts on my Blog:

  • Why is Spiritual Intimacy a Challenge for Couples?  Just about every couple I know struggles with spiritual intimacy. We don't know what it is and in marriage, we face many obstacles to spiritual intimacy with the Lord and with one another. In this post, I share eight barriers to spiritual intimacy most couples face. Spiritual intimacy in marriage is way too crucial for us to ignore or settle for mediocrity.

  • In the Midst of Challenges, Who You Gonna Call? - In the midst of either minor day-to-day challenges and inconveniences or major life trials, who is the first person you turn to? Do you turn to your spouse, parents or community? Or do you keep it to yourself? In a book written thousands of years ago, the prophet Hosea provides some counsel that can help us all in 2015.

One of the most frequently asked questions we encounter in both our premarried and enrichment/crisis ministries, is what does spiritual leadership look like in marriage. Below are all three parts in my series on spiritual leadership.

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:



How to Overcome Common Barriers to Spiritual Intimacy


Why is Spiritual Intimacy a Challenge for Couples?