Stuff I Like Saturdays: Summer 2015 Reader's Edition

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. While for some reading can be a chore, for me, and I know many of you, reading can be one of the most enjoyable and relaxing moments of your day. Much has been said and can be said on this topic, but this week's edition of Stuff I Like Saturdays focuses on some recent articles and resources I found on reading and books.

Summer can be a great time for many of us to catch up on reading, whether on vacation, with kids, or because schedules might slow down some over the summer months. Below I also list a few books I have on my bookshelf/Kindle/Audible app for the next few months.

1. Five Ways Reading Makes you a Better Leader, by Michael Hyatt. 5 benefits of reading - I especially like #4. Also check out his podcast episode How to Read a Non-Fiction Book for 10 practices on how Hyatt reads a non-fiction book.

2. Four Ways to Read a Book: Great 10 minute podcast on 4 different ways to read a book (i.e. skim v. study) from Todd Henry (@beAccidental

3. Marginalia, the Anti-Library, and Other Ways to Master the Lost Art of Reading: Long title that I don't fully understand, but great post on why and how we read as well as methods of note taking while you read/study a book.

4. Scott's Summer Reading. I am one of those strange people who tend to read 6-8 books at a time. Here are a few books I am currently reading (contains Amazon affiliate links):

  • Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania, Erik Larson. Tops on many reading lists this summer. I am looking forward to diving into this one!

  • Fight Back with Joy, by Margaret Feinberg. I am reading this one for a writer's boot camp retreat I am attending next week. Especially well-timed for me as a great friend and hero of the faith was just diagnosed with lung cancer.

  • Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, by Donald S. Whitney. A classic on the spiritual disciplines. I skimmed through this book several years ago, but am enjoying a more studious read of this book this summer to help me understand the what and why of the spiritual disciplines.

  • The Mingling of Souls, by Matt Chandler. As a guy who works with premarried couples, I always have a marriage book in front of me. I am really enjoying this one on God's design for love, marriage, sex and redemption by one of my favorite preachers.

  • The Real Thing: Lessons on Love and Life from a Wedding Reporter's Notebook, by Ellen McCarthy. Another one I have seen on several lists. As I begin steps towards writing my first book, this book is giving me a great picture of what my book might be like.

Your Turn:

What are you reading this summer? What are you most excited to start reading or listening to this summer? Share below or on Facebook!

Recent posts on my blog:

How Do You Respond When You Fail or Mess Up? After a recent failure in front of my kids, I was kindly reminded we can help redeem a messy situation when we humble ourselves, own our mistakes/sins and ask for forgiveness.

4 Reasons Why You and Your Spouse Need to Get Away: Why you and your spouse need some time away from the daily grind and away from your job(s) and kid(s).

Prior Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:



Stuff I Like Saturdays: Let Freedom Ring Edition


How do you respond when you fail or mess up?