Stuff I Like Saturdays: Let Freedom Ring Edition

Happy 4th of July! July 4, 2015 marks the 239th Independence Day for the Unites States of America. I hope you and your friends/family have some great celebration plans this weekend. Our family is joining in the neighborhood parade and then plans on going to the drive-in movie theater  for movies and fireworks. By the way, when I say parade, take your expectation and lower it 100-fold! Regardless, parades like this one make me love our neighborhood and country (as messed-up as it is) even more.

This Saturday, I share a few resources/posts to help us remember and celebrate the freedom we share as Americans. As you celebrate this weekend, take time to remember how richly blessed we are as Americans.

1. True Freedom, on The Porch Dallas blog, by Jonathan "JP" Pokluda and Kevin McConaghy - Discusses the source of true freedom and includes a video of Shane & Shane and Phil Wickham singing Liberty.

2. Loving and Celebrating a Defective Nation, by Jon Bloom on the Desiring God site. I needed to read this one this week. How do we still celebrate freedom in America in light of the burden many of us feel as a result of the SCOTUS ruling.

3. Unrelated to July 4th, but still awesome:

4. What I'm Reading. I am one of those strange people who tend to read 6-8 books at a time. Here are a few books I am currently reading (contain Amazon affiliate links):

  • Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania, Erik Larson. Tops on many reading lists this summer. I am looking forward to diving into this one!

  • Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives, by Gretchen Rubin. Very interesting book about habits and how we experience change through developing healthy and helpful habits.

  • Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, by Donald S. Whitney. A classic on the spiritual disciplines. I skimmed through this book several years ago, but am enjoying a more studious read of this book this summer to help me understand the what and why of the spiritual disciplines.

  • Fairness is Overrated, by Tim Stevens. Short chapters with excellent leadership principles, including great application questions.

  • The Real Thing: Lessons on Love and Life from a Wedding Reporter's Notebook, by Ellen McCarthy. Another one I have seen on several lists. As I begin steps towards writing my first book, this book is giving me a great picture of what my book might be like.

Your Turn:

What are you doing to celebrate your freedom this weekend? Share below or on Facebook!

Recent posts on my blog:

How Do You Respond When You Fail or Mess Up? After a recent failure in front of my kids, I was kindly reminded we can help redeem a messy situation when we humble ourselves, own our mistakes/sins and ask for forgiveness.

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:



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Stuff I Like Saturdays: Summer 2015 Reader's Edition