Stuff I Like Saturdays: End of Summer Edition + Book Giveaway

For many of us, including those in the area where I live in north Texas, the summer is almost done. Kids either already went back to school or start back up on Monday. I hope it's been a great summer for you and your family. Our kids have mixed feelings about getting back to school. I, for one, am looking forward to getting back to a routine. We made some great memories this summer, but we're all ready for some routine again in our lives.

As a reminder, in Stuff I Like Saturdays, I share some links and resources I came across this past week that I think readers would enjoy. As you all know, there is so much great stuff (and not so great stuff) out there, so this is my effort to curate some content that I think you will enjoy and/or challenge you.

1. All of this Ashley Madison stuff makes me simultaneously sick and sad. If you're not familiar with Ashley Madison, they are a company/website that helps married couples find an affair partner. Their tagline is something like "Life is short. Have an affair." Apparently someone hacked into their system and has released the names of the men and women who have accounts on this site. As someone who works with couples for a living, I can't imagine all of the heart-breaking, gut-wrenching conversations taking place in homes this week. I appreciate Ed Stetzer's sentiments in a Tweet I saw Thursday night. Let's pray for these families.

My heart breaks for all the couples weeping tonight as lies are exposed and sin destroys marriages. #AshleyMadisonLeak

— Ed Stetzer (@edstetzer) August 21, 2015

2. As a HUGE fan of Friday Night Lights (my favorite show ever) I appreciate this article from Relevant Magazine that featured a picture of Coach & Tami Taylor. Great read for both married and premarried - The Foundational Traits of Every Great Couple. #ClearEyesFullHearts

3. My favorite new podcast: 5 Leadership Questions, hosted by Barnabas Piper and Todd Adkins. I look forward to each new episode. In 30 minutes, Piper and Adkins ask great leaders questions about leadership, books, and much more.

4. Every week I look forward to the great content from both The Porch and Fierce Marriage. This week they both share some thoughts on LIFE. From the Porch - 12 Bad Reasons to Support Abortion and from Fierce Marriage - Her Story: God’s Redemption After My Abortion. Read this story about Ciara, Joshua, and Ransom. Thank you to both of these ministries for speaking so boldly into this issue. #StandForLife

Recent Posts on my Blog:

Last week, my family and I attended Pine Cove Woods Family Camp in Tyler, TX. I learned so much. It was a humbling, but very fun, week for me. In these two posts I share my key takeaways from the week:

Two posts on my friends Brett & Chrisey Billman and their incredible story of faithfulness.

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:

Your Turn:

If you can finish the hashtag above from the Friday Night Lights reference, I will enter your name into a drawing for two marriage books. Comment below or on Facebook and I will enter your name into the drawing!


What does spiritual leadership in the home look like?


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