What's the Best Way to Measure Growth?

Last year when we left Pine Cove Woods family camp, my weight was near my all-time high. During the week at camp, I was excluded from and opted out of several activities because my weight was too high. I chose to not play some sports with my kids and spent a fair amount of time watching from the sidelines instead of entering into the game. No zip lines, no running or Crossfit with friends and no Turkish Delight (an outdoor game that’s a combination of soccer, flag football, rugby, and Quidditch).

I left camp in 2015 discouraged. At home, I came up with a BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal) to lose 51 pounds over the next 51 weeks. I was determined to come to Pine Cove Woods family camp in August, 2016 with a different body.

I made a plan, changed my schedule, and even made a screensaver with the goal to lose 51 pounds in 51 weeks. I set in motion my goals and plans. 

About four months in, I realized I was not going to reach my 51 pounds in 51 weeks goal. So, I changed it to a much more realistic 25 pounds in 51 weeks. Again, plans were were set into motion, commitments were made and I even modified the screensaver.

Over the 51 weeks, I watched what I ate and worked out like a beast. I applied 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 (ran and worked out with purpose) and honored God with my body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I did the things I needed to do to drop 25 pounds.

Time to weigh in

Fast forward to week 51. As I stepped onto the scale for my final weigh-in, I realized I lost a meager nine pounds in 51 weeks. Cue disappointment music and sad emoji. I found my value in the number on the scale and prepared for another week of missed expectations at camp.

However, this past week at camp, I chose to embrace my nine-pound less body. I ran one morning, did two Crossfit workouts, played several outdoor, physical games with my kids, danced (a lot), and was so much more active than I was last year. The number may have been very similar, but my experience couldn't have been much more different.

Bottom line: Although I may have been only nine pounds lighter, it felt like I was a totally different human being. At this point, I remembered (again) that I can’t measure success by a number on the scale. I was reminded that I needed a new way to measure success and growth.

Looking for a new way to measure growth

What is it for you? What is the area of life where you are measuring success in the wrong ways?

  • Maybe it’s something athletic, like your golf score or handicap.

  • Maybe you’re measuring success by the number of converts/disciples you have helped make.

  • Maybe you’re measuring success by the size of your house, the model of your car, or the number of digits in your bank account.

  • Or maybe you’re like me and you measure success or failure based on the number on your scale.

More and more I realize I just want to be found faithful. I’ll do the things the Lord desires me to do and I’ll trust Him with the results. I’m reminded of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth."

Be faithful, follow Jesus and trust the Lord for growth. In the process, don’t miss out on the Lord’s work and victories along the way because you’re measuring success and growth in the wrong ways.


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