The Best Example of Leadership I Experienced Last Year

In February, 2015, I wrote a post called, Famous Last Words: I Will Never go to Christian Camp.” Well, I was wrong. Again. Because in August 2015, we went to summer camp. And I am so glad we did.

I work at a great church with an incredible staff. And, I serve under godly leadership I trust completely. Yet, perhaps the best example of leadership I experienced last year took place in east Texas at a place called Pine Cove camps.


In 2015, the theme for family camp was “No Longer I” from Galatians 2:20. Paul writes, “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." (NASB)

Galatians 2:20 was one of the first verses I memorized as a new follower of Christ in 1998. For years I have quoted this verse, referenced this verse and counseled others with this verse. But, I don’t think I truly understood what this verse meant until I saw it lived out at Pine Cove family camp by the staff and counselors. Let me explain...

When you’re at family camp, you meet and are cared for and led by some of the godliest young men and women you will ever meet in your life. The camp counselors serve you your meals, hold your babies so you can eat and talk, teach your kids bible and much more. 

And then you find out that every day they pray for you by name. They sacrifice sleep by going to bed late and getting up early. They don’t look at their phones for a whole week. At Pine Cove Woods in Tyler, TX (where our family goes), it's like 125 degrees out (in the shade), yet they never complain. They make you feel like you’re the most important person in the world. They show you what it means to live like what Paul says, when he says it is No Longer I, but Christ.

All week long I observed and experienced how the counselors and staff have this amazing ability to make our family feel like we are the most important people in the world. And then you look around and you see that they treat every family at camp this same way!

It’s a tremendous treat to be served, but even more so for the lessons Kristen and I learn and what our kids get to see. When my kids tell me they want to be Pine Cove counselors when they get to college, I thank the Lord and encourage them to make this one of their dreams and hopes. Because I know they will learn that life is no longer about I, but about Christ and serving others. We know the counselors are not super human, they do sin and are fallen, but for the week you’re there, they exemplify Galatians 2:20 and the great Commandment. While Kristen and I will teach them and our church will lead them, I know at Pine Cove they will see it modeled what it looks like to be "No Longer I."

For what it’s worth, I don’t ever endorse something on my site that I don’t fully believe in or participate in myself. As long as we are able, we will bring our family and send our kids to Pine Cove.

  • If you have young kids, I’d encourage you to check out Camp in the City (in 9 different states!). Signup starts today (Monday, February 8th) and camps will fill-up! Before we went to family camp, we went to Camp in the City. It’s honestly what helped start our love for Pine Cove.

  • If you have a family with kids, check out one of Pine Cove’s family camps (#woodslyfe).

  • If your kids don’t want to go with mom and dad, check out one of the youth camps.

  • If you’re looking for a weekend getaway, check out one of their excellent couple’s retreats (taught by guys like my friend and boss John McGee) or one of the parent-child weekend getaways.

  • Last, don’t forget to check out the new camp, Chimney Point, coming to the southeastern United States (aka, God’s country) in summer of 2017. My friend Clay Scroggins is one of the speakers, and there’s not even a waiting list (yet!) to get a spot at Chimney Point.

Your Turn:

  • Did you go to summer camp growing up? If so, what do you remember most from camp?

  • If you have any questions about Pine Cove, please shoot me a message through the contact page or leave a comment below. I'd love to help in any way I can.


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