Stuff I Like Saturdays: (One Week Before) Valentine's Day Edition

Whenever I find an article I really like, I copy the link and put in an Evernote file for Stuff I Like Saturdays. I have intentionally kept a separate list of relationship articles I really like to compile in one Stuff I Like Saturday post. With Valentine’s Day a few days away, I thought it would be helpful to unleash this library of internet relationship gold.

Today’s Stuff I Like Saturdays includes an assortment of articles on dating and marriage. Some are geared towards dating couples, some towards marriage, but all are packed with good content.

  • I really liked this one by Jessica A. Chance on Relevant Magazine - Stop Calling Marriage Hard Work. Her post is consistent with some recent thoughts I had that we need to talk more about how great marriage is, not just talking about how hard it is all the time! Marriage is hard work, but it’s worth the work and investment.

  • Single You Will be the Married You - From Desiring God - the best way to prepare for marriage, whether single or in a dating/engaged relationship is to address your areas of struggle/sin right now. This would have helped me so much if I had done a better job of this before we got married.

  • On My Wedding Day - Love this one from Marshall Segal on Desiring God. I think I shared this one a few months back, but it’s worth another share.

  • Please Don’t Marry Him - Gary Thomas -  I agree with Gary on this - we have seen the same patterns over and over in our premarital ministry at our church. Thomas says, "Never marry someone hoping they will change. Marry someone because they already have changed."

From My Own Site (since the last Stuff I Like Saturday)

  1. 3 Things Every Wife Needs From Her Husband - great guest post from Elizabeth Oates on what a wife really needs from her husband.

  2. Survey Says? Results from my first ever reader survey. I was so encouraged by the results from my first reader survey. Click to read more.

  3. Why I Don't Make too Many Promises to My Wife and Kids - Part 3 in my series on non-marriage, marriage verses.

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:


The Best Example of Leadership I Experienced Last Year


3 Things Every Wife Needs From Her Husband