Stuff I Like Saturdays: October 31 Edition

Happy Halloween, friends! Feels like it's been a long time since Halloween has fallen on a Saturday.

In Stuff I Like Saturdays I share posts I like, as well as some of the more recent posts I wrote for my own blog.

Some killer stuff in here today that will help you navigate Halloween, bible reading, parenting, life in general, and much more. Enjoy this fall edition!

Here's some stuff I like:

Should Christians Participate in Halloween? - a 5-minute video response from Todd Wagner and Rick Smith on Real Truth Real Quick. 100% agree with their answer. Enjoy Halloween with your neighbors, friends.

Five Strategies for Daily Bible Reading - some great suggestions on here, whether you've never read your bible or have been reading for years.

What's on My Shelf? Randy Alcorn, from Eternal Perspective Ministries, shares a great list of his favorite books. Some gold on here!

Some fun, practical suggestions in Things to do on a Date at Home, by All Pro Dad.

I really liked this list of Eight Life-Changing Things Someone Taught Me, by Lore Ferguson. I think this is a great idea for anyone to do - capture the most valuable lessons you have learned at some point in your life.

Recent Posts on my Blog:

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:


How Four Couples Crushed $440,000 of Debt


Slaying the Debt Dragon: Book Review