Stuff I Like Saturdays: November 21, 2015 Edition

Happy Saturday to you. There is so much good stuff out there on the interwebs. Stuff I Like Saturday is my attempt to curate through the massive volume out there and provide a few posts that were helpful to me and I hope helpful to others.

  1. Bits and Pieces for Young Ministers: Discipleship, Rest and Reading, by Thabiti Anyabwile. Don't be thrown off by the title - this one is for anyone out there who wants to follow Jesus and lead others. He addresses balance, rest, reading, discipleship and more. Includes a great, short list of influential books.

  2. Ten Diagnostic Questions for Your Marriage, by Kevin DeYoung. GREAT list. I am copying these to my journal and will share with my community group. Love #7 and convicted most by #1.

  3. The Joy of Living in Jesus's Shadow, by Marshall Segal. Convicting post about John the Baptist and the background role he played in Jesus's life. John 3:30 has been my verse of the year and this articles addresses how Jesus decreased while Jesus increased.

  4. What you Should Know about the Syrian Refugee Controversy, by Joe Carter on the The Gospel Coalition site. Obviously there is a lot out there this week on the Syrian Refugee crisis. I think this article sums up the facts really well. Watch this from Real Truth Real Quick for a biblical response to the crisis.

  5. This isn't an article, but I just want to throw out a great recommendation if you don't already do this... reading epic books with your kids. I read through The Chronicles of Narnia with my boys before and now I am reading through the Hunger Games trilogy with my twins. I want my boys to be readers and I am always a big fan of anything that creates a shared experience with your kids. And yes, I did just call the Hunger Games epic.

From My Own Site (since the last Stuff I Like Saturday)

  1. Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins we Tolerate - Book Review. I recommend this book for every follower of Christ. Read this post to understand why.

  2. 12 Ways to Battle the Temptation to Look at Porn (Part 1, Part 2) - 2-part series where I share 12 ways to fight against the temptation to look at porn. Porn is killing our relationships. We need all the help we can get.

  3. The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family: Book Review - very helpful book by Patrick Lencioni. Provides a practical way to rally your family around its greatest need.

  4. How do you Decide How to Spend Your Time? Not enough of it, so how do you decide how to best use your time.

  5. How Four Couples Crushed $440,000 of Debt - Testimonies of 4 couples at Watermark Community Church who paid off a massive amount of debt. Read about how they did it and how getting out of debt has grown their marriage.

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:


What I Learned in a 10-Day Food Fast


Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate - Book Review