Open for Business (After a Temporary Stop)

It’s hard for me to believe it’s been over one month since I hung a Shop Closed (Temporarily) sign on this website. I needed to do some heart work and deal with some insecurities, pride, and comparison issues. Before taking a break, on some days I found myself frustrated at a lack of blog progress, while other days I found myself overly proud at the success of a post. Most days I found myself a wee bit too obsessed with numbers, traffic, and what others thought of me and my writing.

While I do want to help others, and think many posts have, I committed the sin of being more concerned with the approval of man than serving Christ. Galatians 1:10 says, "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a ‘servant’ of Christ.” Paul’s words are some of my favorite in the whole Bible, and this passage is a verse I pray often for myself and for my children.

Prior to hitting the pause button, I got caught up in the tyranny of the urgent with writing blog posts. Preachers talk about the pressure that starts as soon as you finish preaching a sermon on Sunday since the next Sunday is less than one week away and another sermon is due. While in no way do I compare the writing of a blog post with a Sunday sermon, I also got caught up in the pressure of writing. As soon as you hit publish on a blog post, you need to start thinking about the next post, and the one after that and the one after that. 

It’s been a good month, but (I think) I’m ready to start back up again. I miss writing and I started to get used to not writing. I don’t want the habit of writing to die.

I’ve been so encouraged by the kind words of many friends over these five weeks. My friend Wes shared the most helpful counsel: "sometimes the ground needs to lie fallow.” I know the word fallow from passages like Hosea 10:12 (Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.), but I had to look “fallow" up to see what it really means.

Per Dictionary.Com, the word fallow means

"plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production: incentives for farmers to let the land lie fallow in order to reduce grain surpluses.”

Since February 18th, I’ve walked through a season where the field was left unsown for a period to time in order to restore my fertility (Please don’t take that line out of context!). I am thankful for this season as I believe it helped restore my "writing fertility.”

 A few decisions moving forward:

  • Wellness: I need to get back to exercising with others in community. As much as I HATE it at times, I know I do my best work when I do a better job of stewarding my body and health. The brain works better, I have more energy and I sleep better. All of these contribute to better creativity in writing (as well as better work habits and energy for my family).

  • Frequency of posts: My frequency will probably drop. I definitely don’t feel the pressure to produce two-three new posts every week. I know this will affect my traffic and the blog experts probably wouldn’t recommend it, but I think part of my Galatians 1:10 issue was wanting to please the experts.

  • Focus: Do my best to not focus on the numbers. Not looking at numbers of visitors, shares, and likes for one month was really good for me. Hopefully I can keep it up!

  • Book Proposal: I made some good progress on my book proposal. I will probably test some of the material for the book on the blog. I look forward to telling you more about the book process very soon.

There’s some good stuff coming your way. I am releasing a new version of my 124 Killer Date Night guide, will resume the series on being a discerning reader and I will continue to write primarily about marriage and relationships.

Thanks again for the great support and prayers over the past few weeks. I am more grateful than you can possibly know!

Your Turn:

  1. Read Galatians 1:10. Where are some areas in your life where you choose the approval of man over being a servant of Christ.

  2. Are there any areas of your life where you need to let the soil lie fallow for a season? For instance, some of you worship working out. Is this an idol in your life that can replace intimacy with Christ?


Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?


Shop Closed (Temporarily): Why I'm Taking a Break