Quick Hits - Episode #1 (Plus Book Giveaways!)

One of my favorite podcasts is a leadership podcast called 5 Leadership Questions (5LQ) from Barnabas Piper and Todd Adkins. Every week they release two podcast episodes. On Tuesday they interview a different leader and ask the same five questions each time. On Fridays, they release an episode related to some aspect of leadership. I look forward to the episodes they release every week.

In a recent episode, they tried a new format called Leadership Quick Hitters where they answered a series of questions about leadership lessons and resources. I loved the format and decided to do a written version of their questions to share some lessons recently learned and resources recently discovered. I plan on doing a ‘quick-hits’ post one-two times every month. I hope you’ll participate and share some of your responses in the comments section. I might even give away some prizes for reader participation!

1. What is one thing you’ve read recently

Asking me to share just one thing is quite the challenge. But since I can only choose one thing, I’ll share about a parenting book I’m reading. Our twins just started junior high in August, and they are walking through the changes all adolescents go through. In some ways, it’s gone better than expected, but in other ways, it’s been a challenge. A friend recommended the book Middle School: The Inside Story, by Cynthia Tobias. It’s been eye-opening and encouraging so far. I so badly want to be a great dad to my boys and I need all the help I can get.

2. What is one thing you’ve listened to recently?

I love my Audible app and membership. I listen to audiobooks when I work out, when I go for a longer drive, and if I’m hooked on a book, then I listen whenever I get a few free minutes!

So I can’t tell you whether or not the book finishes well, but a friend recommended the book Ordinary Grace by William Kent Kruger. So far, so good. It reminds me of an old school story like Stand By Me. I’m listening to this one whenever I get the chance and can’t wait to see how it ends.

3. What is one tool or resource you’ve started using recently?

My friend John Cox introduced me to the Streaks app a few months ago. You can choose up to 6 tasks/challenges every day, and each day you go through and check whether or not you reached your goal for the day. I’ve been using this app since March and I love it since it keeps me focused on reaching the right goals and making wise decisions about the stewardship of time every day.

4. Who is one person who has influenced you recently?

At Watermark, our teaching team is preaching through the book of Acts. Last Sunday, Jonathan "JP" Pokluda taught on Acts 8:26-40 and the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. The message is titled, Extraordinary Living Marked by Ordinary Obedience. The entire message was great, but I was especially influenced by this line:

"You won’t be remembered by what you do on one particular day. Rather, you’ll be remembered by what you do every day.”

I’m so encouraged by JP and the ways he’s growing as a leader and pastor. I learn from him in the way he teaches from the pulpit, the way he leads small groups of leaders and the ways he encourages and challenges me in a one-on-one conversation.

5. What is one lesson you have learned recently?

Some of you have heard me share this before, but I’m in the middle of a yearlong battle with anxiety. I don’t have any history with anxiety, but starting in January I began having some speaking anxiety when I teach or do announcements in front of a large room of people. It started when I did the announcements on a Sunday morning at Watermark in January and has continued intermittently throughout the year. Sometimes it’s crippling and I want to crawl under a rock or run away, whereas other times it’s internal (i.e., in my head) and no one has any clue about the battle I’m facing. I’m tired of it and ashamed of it. For whatever reason, the Lord has allowed me to walk through this battle in 2016.

Earlier in the week, I read an article by Jon Bloom on the Desiring God website called Talk to God About Your Anxiety. Bloom shares this counsel: "Your anxieties talk to you. Don’t talk back to them. Talk to God.” The lesson I’ve learned is the next time I struggle, I will not feed the anxiety beast, but will rather do whatever I can to talk and listen to God. 

Your Turn:

I have a few books to give away this week and will choose some winners based on comments received below or on social media. Respond to any one of or all five of the questions below:

  • What is one thing you’ve read recently?

  • What is one thing you’ve listened to recently?

  • What is one tool or resource you’ve started using recently?

  • Who is one person who has influenced you recently?

  • What is one lesson you have learned recently?


Stuff I Like Saturdays: December 3, 2016 Edition


A Review of The Mingling of Souls, by Matt Chandler