Quick Hits - Episode #2 (Plus Book Giveaway!)

Quick Hits - Episode #1 came out on November 23, 2016. I guess you can say it's not going to be a weekly feature on my blog! But, I love this concept, so I'm bringing it back with Episode #2. You can read more about the origin of this idea in the first episode, but it's based on an idea from a podcast I listen to called 5 Leadership Questions (5LQ) by Barnabas Piper and Todd Adkins.

The format is a rapid-fire question-answer with 5 pre-set questions followed by some short, quick responses. To make it more fun and interesting, I asked my friend and writer Preston Hagaman the same questions. Below you'll find each of the 5 questions followed by a response from Preston and me.

1. What is one thing you’ve read recently?

Preston: I finished The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl a few weeks ago. It's a simple and clear telling of the Christian story, which is after all, the story of the way the world actually is. Greg uses this apologetic to lay before readers what Christians believe and why they believe it. One of the strengths of the book is the way it accurately describes the world we occupy.

Scott: I lost my man card a long time ago, so I'm not afraid to share my answer for this one. I just finished reading Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible With Both Our Hearts and Our Minds, by Jen Wilkin. I've seen many people, including men, recommend this book and I'm so glad I read it. It's given me a fresh perspective on Bible study methods. Jen is on staff at The Village Church in the DFW Metroplex. I read a Tweet by Jen before where she said, "If you're a dude and you don't want to be seen reading this book, just tear off the cover of the book, read it, and learn your Bible."

2. What is one thing you’ve listened to recently?

Preston: The work of J. Warner Wallace crossed my plate in the fall when I purchased a copy of Cold Case Christianity. His regular podcast by the same name is a must listen. He now has a new book, Forensic Faith, that just came out, and recent episodes have presented some of the material. It's been awesome to hear J. Warner Wallace make the case for why Christians must develop the skills necessary to make a compelling case for why they believe the gospel to be true.

Scott: As mentioned above, I'm a big fan of the 5LQ podcast. One of my favorite episodes is an interview with Scott Sauls, Senior Minister at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN. I read one of his books, I follow his blog, and I've listened to some of the sermons he's preached. The highlight of the interview for me was when Sauls spoke about the challenges we face when we are ruled or dominated by people-pleasing.

3. What is one tool or resource you’ve started using recently?

PrestonGrammarly and Hemingway App have become two of my favorite writing tools in the last month. Each has helped me improve as a writer by weeding out those elements that weaken my writing.

Scott: The Hoopla and Overdrive apps. These two apps work alongside your public library and provide ways to download and read and/or listen to books. I love reading books on my Kindle and/or listening to audiobooks through Audible and Christian Audio. But, you can’t beat the price of FREE. While the selection isn’t as great as the library, Amazon, or the Audible library, both these apps provide free access to a large library of books.

4. Who is one person who has influenced you recently?

Preston: Jocko Willink has been the most influential voice in my life in the last few weeks. His resources have been instrumental in prompting me to raise the bar and get after it. They have me working to figure out how I can get better and improve at everything I do. His book, Extreme Ownership and podcast light a path to learning valuable lessons about leading myself. For that, I am thankful and commend both to all.

Scott: Chad Allen. I've followed Chad's blog for a few years now and have benefitted from his wisdom on books and writing from a distance. A few months ago, I signed up to be coached by Chad. I'm so glad I did! He's helped me in my book writing process and has given me some excellent feedback on this blog. He loves Jesus and he knows what he's doing when it comes to books and writing. I'm a big fan of finding someone who's further down the road from you and gleaning wisdom from them.

5. What is one lesson you have learned recently?

Preston: Jocko talks about discipline and mental toughness a lot. While I'm still processing and looking for ways to apply these lessons, one immediate example comes to mind — working out. Each morning when the alarm goes off we have a choice to get up and get after it or to stay in bed. It doesn't matter how you feel, whether you want to or not, or your physical state, you should get up and do it anyway.

Your biggest victories come when you impose your will and push through the tiredness or pain. Yes, it's a win when you feel like doing it, but how much sweeter is it to do a thing when you didn't want to try. Each day presents countless situations to practice discipline and mental toughness. We have to take hold of them and force ourselves to be and become tougher and better one decision at a time.

Scott: Preach it, Preston! I need some more of that! For me, I've relearned the power of community. Whether it's a group of friends helping me in a sin struggle, a community rallying around a family with a 17-year old on life support, or many examples of couples who've made poor decisions in isolation, I'm reminded of the power and wisdom of good friends (and what happens when you isolate from them). I'd hate to go through life alone or without people who love me and care for me. In recent days I've seen the benefits of walking through life with wise friends who love and care for me.

Your Turn:

I have a few books to give away this week and will choose some winners based on comments received below or on social media. Respond to any one of or all five of the questions below:

  • What is one thing you’ve read recently?

  • What is one thing you’ve listened to recently?

  • What is one tool or resource you’ve started using recently?

  • Who is one person who has influenced you recently?

  • What is one lesson you have learned recently?


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