Stuff I Like Saturdays: March Madness Edition

Welcome to this new edition of Stuff I Like Saturdays (SILS) where I share a few articles I like that I found among the massive volumes all over the interwebs. Looks like I haven’t done a SILS since December 3, 2016! While this post has nothing to do with March Madness, I needed to redeem my pitiful bracket with something good related to March!

Articles I Like:

  • A Tribute to Tim KellerSauls is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers/bloggers around. Right now I’m reading his book Befriend, and really appreciated his tribute to his friend and former boss, Tim Keller. Through years of friendship with Keller, Sauls began to pray this prayer on a regular basis: “Lord, give me character that is greater than my gifts, and humility that is greater than my influence.” Please, Lord, give me friends and mentors like Tim Keller!

  • The Challenge in Praying With Your Spouse, by Melissa Edgington. As I’ve shared on this blog before, Kristen and I, as well as most couples we know, struggle with praying together on a regular/daily basis. In this post, Melissa shares a handful of benefits she and her husband are experiencing after taking a 30-day prayer challenge together as a couple. This was a timely read and reminder for me.

  • The Direction of Words, by Paul Tripp. I’ve enjoyed and been challenged by this series of posts about the words we speak by Tripp. In this post, Tripp shares that because our words are never neutral (Proverbs 18:21) we should change the way we live and how we talk to others.

  • Jessica A. Chance shares some powerful words in When Your Work Becomes Your Worth. I’ve fought this battle my whole life, whether working as a physical therapist, as a student, or now as a pastor. In a Truth most of us do not fully, or even remotely, comprehend, God’s love for us has never been and will never be contingent upon our behavior, in what we do, or who we are. Our worth always has been and always will be based upon who we are in Christ Jesus.

What I’m Reading:

  • Contagious: Why Things Catch On, by Jonah Berger. My writing coach, Chad Allen, recommended this one to me. In this fascinating book, Berger shares several reasons why things catch on based on stories, social currency, etc…

  • The Business of Faith: How to Lead Yourself, Unify Your Team, and Create a Remarkable Organization, by Matt Levy and Jeff Ward. I’m so encouraged by my two friends and their new book. Both the Levy and Ward families are long-time members of Watermark, and I’ve had the privilege of working with and learning from Jeff for almost a decade. Their new book will be a great read for leaders and managers who want help integrating their Christian faith into the workplace.

  • The Seven Laws of Love, by Dave Willis. In true to Kedersha form, I’m always reading one marriage book for personal edification and professional reference. So far I’ve enjoyed Willis’ conversational approach to growth in all relationships, not just marriage.

What I’m Watching:

This Is Us (obvious) and NCAA March Madness (even more obvious! Go ACC!!!). This is the unique month of the year when I willingly choose to root for the Dook University Blue Devils. I strongly detest all things Dook, but when it comes to the NCAA tournament, I am an ACC conference loyalist.

Your Turn:

  • What are you reading right now that you’d recommend? Any books or articles?

  • Who’d you pick to win the NCAA tournament? Who’s your pick to win it all?


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