My 6 Top Posts from 2014: A Year in Review

Thank you for making the first year of a great year. For years I delayed a blog launch out of fear of rejection or failure, and I cannot express how grateful I am I finally launched this year. Thanks for the encouraging words over the blog, Facebook, email and in person. Thanks for sharing posts with others. Ultimately I hope you have grown in your most important relationships: with Jesus, your spouse, your kids/family, and/or your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance (if premarried).

I look forward with great anticipation to 2015! I have some fun series and ideas up my sleeve and I look forward to rolling them out soon. If you haven’t subscribed, I’d encourage you to sign up for the website to get updates sent directly to your inbox (look for the sign-up on the sidebar of this page). Furthermore, if I can help in any way or if you have any questions, please reach out to me via the contact page.

Below are my top 6 most popular/viewed posts from 2014, in order from #6 to #1.

6. The ‘One Thing’ That Can Most Impact Your Marriage - I am so glad I wrote this one. Not praying with Kristen was my biggest leadership fail in marriage. Writing and sharing this post was one of the strongest catalysts to me finally leading my wife well in praying together. See the results here.

5. Five Barriers to Oneness in Marriage - These are five barriers most couples struggle with that prevent us from living out the oneness/intimacy in marriage God desires for married couples. Number one on the list still challenges me every day.

4. Three Ways I Lost My Battle With Sin - Probably my most vulnerable post so far where I give the reader a glimpse into my battle with food. But, these are three ways that all of us lose our battle with sin (not just for those who struggle with food).

3. 4 Things People Who’ve Had Affairs Want You to Know - Very hard post since I know the source of these 4 lessons and the pain couples have walked through after infidelity. But… my friends are doing great in their marriages, are among my closest friends and truly now live out these four lessons in their marriages. Be sobered and encouraged as you read this list.

2. 5 Things We Are Glad We Started From Day One of Marriage - The success of this post surprised me. This is a list of 5 things Kristen and I are glad we did from Day One of marriage. 13 plus years later we still practice every one of those 'things.'

1. 124 Killer Date Night Ideas - I knew this would be a helpful post and it is, by far, the most popular/viewed post on my site. Enjoy the list of great date night ideas, but more so, do something to avoid boredom in your marriage. Boredom and a lack of intentionality are marriage/relationship killers!

A few specific thanks to share for a great first year...

Not trying to deliver a dramatic Academy Award speech, but I did want to publicly say thanks to a few people who have been a tremendous support to this site:

  • Thank you Taylor Beam for your graphics and design help.

  • Thank you Rick Smith for all the encouragement and website wisdom!

  • Thank you Jeff Goins, Michael Hyatt and Jon Acuff for being virtual mentors, for encouraging me through your wisdom to actually start the blog and for all the writing and blog wisdom along the way.

  • Thank you Beth Kaye for editing almost every post on this site.

  • Thank you marriage Yoda John McGee for years of leadership and encouragement.

  • Most of all... Thank you to my bride Kristen, for supporting me so well along the way. I can't think of any spouse who does a better job of supporting their spouse in reaching their dreams. Thanks for being so Christlike, encouraging and selfless.

See you in 2015!


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