Stuff I Like Saturdays: May 7, 2016 Edition

As always, there's a lot of great stuff out there on the interwebs. Today’s Stuff I Like Saturdays includes an assortment of articles on sleep, productivity, marital intimacy, reading and more.

Also, a post I wrote a few weeks back was by far the most read article on my site. I had more hits on the article, The Most Frustrating Article I Have Ever Read on Marriage, in two days than on all other posts from January to April combined!

  • One of the areas of life where I need to hunker down is in getting more sleep. In fact, a good friend of mine who's a trainer told me that the biggest reason I am having trouble losing weight is because I'm not getting enough sleep. Guilty as charged. In this post, Michael Hyatt shares 4 Reasons Your Leadership Suffers When You Lose Sleep (and how to fix the problem)

  • Maintaining a Healthy Sex Life After We've Had Kids - I love this 7-minute video with good, practical, honest, fun, candid suggestions from Ryan & Selena at Fierce Marriage on how to keep intimacy a priority in your marriage when you have young kids at home.

  • I just heard about this one from a few different places this week. If you like the sounds of a coffee shop in the background while you work, read or write, check out

  • A great one for you moms out there with Mother's Day tomorrow: Dear First Born, It's Not You, It's Me about how parents (mom in particular in this article) are forced to grow and grow up when you parent your first child.

  • A few books I recently finished/am currently reading that I would recommend:

    • The Nightingale, by Kristin Hannah. Wow this one is good! A friend recommended it and I can't wait to find out what happens. I don't usually like Historical Fiction, but the author is a gifted writer and the story is a gripping tale about two French sisters in World War II.

    • Unashamed, by Lecrae Moore - I just got this one in the mail this week and look forward to reading about his journey from faith to freedom. I've heard pieces of his journey but look forward to reading the whole story.

    • I am re-reading Every Body Matters, by Gary Thomas. This is my third read through this book on wellness and it's even better my third time around.

Recent Posts From My Own Site:

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:



How to Honor God With Your Body


The Story of Us (How We Came to be the Kedershas)