Stuff I Like Saturdays: April 2, 2016 Edition

It's been almost 2 solid months since my last Stuff I Like Saturdays post. I hope these posts help you enjoy some of the great content out there on the web/in books/YouTube, etc... I like to read/scan a bunch of blogs for good content that catches my attention that I think others would enjoy.

Today’s Stuff I Like Saturdays includes an assortment of articles on relationships, productivity, parenting and some books I just finished/am reading. 

  • One of the best marriage stories I have ever seen. Dee & Roddy Elliott Testimony  Watch the encouraging testimony of Dee & Roddy Elliott as they share why they have hope in the midst of an incurable disease.

  • While we're on the topic of hacks... check this one out from Michael Hyatt. I especially like the ones related to 'starting the night before' (i.e. laying out your clothes before you go to bed). Great list!

  • 6 Things New Parents Need to Hear (Really every parent needs to hear these things). Great article by Barnabas Piper. Offers some great perspective and a little boost, especially if you tend to compare yourself to other parents who seemingly parent much better than you do (per their report and social media).

  • A few books I recently finished/am currently reading:

    • Do More Better (productivity book by Tim Challies - full blog post coming soon - loved this book).

    • Under Our Skin (Getting Real About Race, Dealing with Racial Tensions and the things that often divide us, Benjamin Watson - NFL player. Very thought-provoking and personally challenging).

    • Reclaiming Conversation (The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, Sherry Turkle; full blog post coming on this one soon as well; really challenging in the ways we are addicted to our devices and have lost the art of communication).

Recent Posts From My Own Site:

  1. What's the Best Way to Read a Book? + a Great Giveaway! (Part 2 in a series on books/reading) - in this post I compare and contrast the benefits of hard copies of books, ebooks and Audible books. (Contest ends Saturday midnight).

  2. Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired? I am tired of my battle with food and eating. In this post I share some lessons recently learned in my battle with food. All lessons learned apply to just about any sin struggle, habit or addiction we each face.

  3. Open For Business (After a Temporary Stop) - some of you know I shut down my writing for about five weeks. In this post I share some lessons learned from my time away (especially about my tendency to be a people-pleaser. Ugh).

Recent Editions of Stuff I Like Saturdays:


What I Want My Sons to Know About Their Value & Worth


What's the Best Way to Read a Book? + Giveaway