My Top Posts From 2016: A Year in Review

Dear readers,

Thank you for another great year on Hard to believe, but March, 2017 will mark three years of writing on this site. This has been my least favorite year personally (as I'll share in a few days), but I continue to remain thankful for the opportunity to write and the creative outlet this site provides.

I've been encouraged by the ways you embrace the mess in me, and how I can continue to be honest and transparent on this site. Many of you thank me (for which I'm grateful), but I honestly believe the bigger thank you comes from me to you - for allowing me to keep it real. In the process, I hope the Lord has used the messages I've shared to help you grow in your relationship with your significant other, your children, your community, and most importantly, with God.

I don't know what the future holds on this site, but I hope to continue the pace of 1-2 posts/week in the areas of marriage/relationships, ministry, parenting, and books/reading. I plan on putting my head down and working on my book in 2017, so that will probably affect some things on this site in different seasons. Lord willing, I'll continue to blog and work on the book at the same time.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them my way! You can reach out to me through the contact page, or you can always send me an email at

Below I share some of the highlights of 2016: the top 5 visited posts on my site this year, my 5 personal favorites from 2016, and the 5 most visited posts written in 2014-2015.

Know that my words echo the words from the apostle Paul in Philippians 1:3-6:

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

My Most Viewed Posts in 2016:

5. The Best Example of Leadership I Experienced Last Year. I wrote this one about the staff and counselors at Pine Cove Family Camp. These counselors exemplify Christlike servant leadership.

4. My Favorite Books I Read in 2016. I love reading the lists from others and always enjoy putting my own list together every year.

3. 3 Things Every Wife Needs From Her Husband. This one was written by my friend Elizabeth Oates. She's a great writer and nailed it in this post.

2. 3 Questions to Ask Your Community Group Every Time You Meet. A few months ago our staff contact from the community team at Watermark visited our community group and shared these three questions with us. They're gold and provide a great way to grow in your relationship with the Lord and with your group.

1. The Most Frustrating Marriage Article I Ever Read. This one got picked up and shared by my friends at Fierce Marriage. It was fun to watch this one get some serious traffic. Praying the message would stick.

My Favorite Posts of 2016 (a few of my favorites that didn't show up on the most-viewed list).

5. The Story of Us (How We Came to be the Kedershas). I wrote this one for Kristen's birthday and shared the story of how we met, dated, broke-up, dated again, got married, and lived happily ever after.

4. The Scale Tells Just One Side of the StoryI need this reminder as I continue to battle eating and weight issues. I wrote this one when I needed it most. Most of the time I write for others. I wrote this one for me.

3. What to do When You Want to be Defensive. I love writing about communication and conflict because I think we all need all the help we can get. I want to be a husband, dad, friend and pastor who is humble and teachable, not defensive.

2. What is the One Thing I Most Crave From You? I wrote this one a few weeks ago and gives good insight into one of my struggles of people-pleasing. I know I'm not alone in this battle!

1. The Most Neglected Struggle in the Church. This post was part of a series I wrote on wellness. We need to do a better job in the church in talking about eating, weight issues, and wellness.

Top 5 Posts Written in 2014 & 2015 That Received the Most Traffic in 2016

5. 4 Things People Who've Had Affairs Want You to Know. This one comes from a friend of mine who has walked through infidelity in their marriage. If you're married, make sure you take note of these lessons to your own marriage.

4. 8 Ways to Show Your Love: Survey Says? Inspired by the great love passage in 1 Corinthians 13. Includes a list of 8 practical ways to show/express love to your spouse.

3. Three Ways to Handle Your Unmet Expectations. We all experience unmet expectations in just about every part of our lives. How will you handle your unmet expectations?

2. "I'm Sorry" is easy. "Please forgive me" is not. This one continues to get traffic, largely from Google searches, as people want to know if there's a difference between apologizing and asking for forgiveness.

1. 124 Killer Date Night Ideas: This is the post that people most often ask me about. Includes a downloadable PDF of 124 great date night ideas.

Thanks for a great year. Happy New Year to you! And speaking of thanks, my wife continues to be an incredible helper and encourager. Kristen reads every post, continually gives feedback and more than anything, lives out what I write about. I SO married up, in every way!

Merry Christmas, and Joy to the World. See you in 2017!


Why I'm Ready to Kick 2016 to the Curb


How Much Is My Integrity Worth?